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Grape Black Rot
Sanitation Sanitation plays an important part in limiting the amount of black rot inoculum found in ...
Doctoral Dissertations
for change in relation to employee-supervisor relationship quality, basic psychological needs ...
Herbicide Injury and the Problem of Spray Drift
vine death are all potential outcomes of a drift event. Damages inflicted by drift have resulted in ... injury symptoms may resume if the drift dose was high, or if more than one drift event occurred early in ... not be easy to detect for up to two weeks after a drift event. Because glyphosate and ALS inhibitors ...
Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, and Poison Sumac for Trainers and Supervisors
Wear disposable gloves while cleaning your shoes. If a Rash, Blisters, or Itching Develops A rash or ... blisters may develop if the skin is not cleaned quickly. This redness or swelling usually occurs within 12 ... possible. Wash your clothes separately in hot water. Clean your shoes with alcohol and water. If you develop ...
Instructions for Tattooing Rabbits
dirty, thoroughly clean and dry the ear before applying the tattoo. Both the holder and person tattooing ... alcohol to disinfect before inserting digits for the next rabbit. Use paper towels to clean excess ink and ... petroleum jelly from your hand or glove. When Taking the Rabbit Home Do not clean off any excess ink until ...
Family Mealtime: Routines and Rituals
Mondays or Stir-Fry Saturdays. Make the meal preparation and clean up tasks fun and consistent. Listen to ... music, play games during preparation or clean up time. Delegate chores to each family member, such as ... shopping, preparing, or cleaning up. This will make the workload more manageable and will encourage family ...
Food Preservation: Salsa—From Garden to Table
hours. When reprocessing, pour salsa from jar into a pan and heat to boiling, then pack into a clean, hot ... jar. Wipe jar rim clean. Use a new lid and screw on metal band, then process for full time listed. ... Wipe rims of jars with a dampened, clean paper towel. Apply two-piece metal canning lids. Process in ...
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Blueberries, Blackberries, and Raspberries
following fact sheets: Drying Fruits and Vegetables, HYG-5347 Preserving Pie Fillings, HYG-5355 Basics for ...
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Sweet Corn
your local Ohio State University Extension office for the following fact sheets: Canning Basics ... , HYG-5338 Basics for Canning Vegetables, HYG-5344 Freezing Vegetables, HYG-5333 Drying Fruits and ...
Dust and Mold for Trainers and Supervisors
Basically, an individual becomes allergic to dust and mold. With Farmer’s Lung, the immune system cannot ... fresh, clean, and fit-tested. However, the best protection is a particulate respirator: tested and ...