
Search results

  1. Preston R. Sheets

    intended to educate Ohio farmers on the basics of state agricultural law using easy-to-understand language. ...

  2. I, Eco-Bot: 4-H holds STEM program

    and a watch battery, thousands of youth around the U.S. devised ways to clean up a simulated toxic ... experiment." Last year, more than 750 National Science Experiment events were held around the country. This ... use the materials available-- basically just straws and paper cups-- and take the challenge further ...

  3. Ashley A. Stroud

    implement a variety of events including the department’s annual Back2School Bash and Winter Student-Faculty ... Mixer events. Through the organization, Ashley gave back to her community with programming focused on ...

  4. Masambuka delivers presentation to Prince Albert II of Monaco on behalf of the Global Water Institute

    and access to clean water.  Prior to his lecture, Prince Albert II met with various groups across ... sanitation. The main project is aimed at providing water to the communities while also providing economic ...

  5. Quarter-Scale Tractor Design Team

    Buckeyes with their Tractor, Brutus 319.  They competed in events that judged the tractor's ...

  6. Meet Ashlee Balcerzak: Paving the Road to a Career in Higher Education

    clean water, I wanted to do something about it. It was then that I rediscovered my true passion; it was ... Together, they would attend events like Farm Science Review, a congressional tour of Ohio State’s Wooster ... campus, and internal Ohio State events such as faculty planning meetings.  “With a wide range of events ...

  7. Ohio State Students win Gold Medal at 2021 iGem Competition

    development of an open community and collaboration. The iGEM Giant Jamboree is an annual event that showcases ...

  8. Madison B. Allman

    develop lesson plans and educational materials and organize a wide array of 4-H programs and events of all ...

  9. Avery M. Brewer

    entrepreneurs, scheduling speakers and interviewing guests; she helped facilitate and organize events for members ...

  10. Shannon L. Dixon

    college. She conducted outreach initiatives and organized events designed to ensure students’ academic and ...
