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C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-05
volatilization until a rain event occurs. If we had a stretch of 80 degree days, and dry conditions for several ... cropping, it may be necessary to have two wheat varieties differing in maturity available in the event that ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-16
emerged, but if you do not, you can estimate that event also. Corn emergence typically requires 100 to 150 ... There is a 60-90% chance of two (2) inch rain events statewide over the next 2-3 weeks. Overall, things ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-40
during the Central Ohio Agronomy Day on Dec. 16. The event will take place in Founders Hall at the Ohio ...
Event Recap: Do Practice Rounds Bias Experimental Auction Results?
On Tuesday, February 26, 2013, Kenyon College’s Jay R. Corrigan, Associate Professor of Economics, presented his research " Do Practice Rounds Bias Experimental Auction Results? " as part of the Spring 2013 AEDE Seminar Series. ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-09
week. However, in the event rains cause further planting delays or soils are slow to dry, the following ...
Event Recap: Time Is Money: An Empirical Examination of the Dynamic Effects of Regulatory Uncertainty on Residential Subdivision Development
Event Recap: Labor Market Restructuring in Shale Booms
Event Recap: A Latent Class Analysis of Farmer Preferences Regarding Filter Strip Programs
Event Recap: Towards the Measurement of Net Economic Welfare: Inter-temporal Environmental Accounting in the US Economy
Event Recap: Emissions Markets, Power Markets and Market Power: An Experimental Approach