
Search results

  1. Controlling Feed Costs for Dairy Cattle

    refusals (e.g. use good silo management to reduce spoilage, feed for 1 to 2% refusals and clean out ...

  2. Midwest Dairy Challenge Held in Menomonie, Wisconsin

    colleges to the event hosted by the University of Wisconsin-River Falls. This year’s contest was held in ...

  3. 2019 Landscape Industry Certified Technician Test

    Ohio's offering of the Landscape Industry Certified Technician test is set for Wednesday and Thursday, August 7 and 8, 2019, here on the Wooster Campus. ...

  4. Dairy Palooza and Collegiate Updates

    University Farm and Dairy featured a two page article about our 2015 Dairy Palooza 4-H event that has grown ...

  5. Renters Insurance

    theft, floods or other unexpected events that may occur. Many students may be covered under their ...

  6. Milk Price Outlook

    a lackluster year during the first five months has turned out to be a new record year for producers.  The Basic ...

  7. Applying Manure to Tiled Fields

    manure when rainfall is predicted, eminent, or directly after a rainfall event. After a significant ... rainfall event, the site should be allowed to drain to below field capacity, so that the soil has the ...

  8. Manure Application to Alfalfa

    to utilize when planning manure application to alfalfa or any other forage. There are three basic ...

  9. 4-H Monsters Event- YALC


  10. Ground Breaking Event Held for the Kunz-Brundige Franklin County Extension Building

    On Friday, June 29, over 125 guests gathered at the Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resources Laboratory at The Ohio State University to celebrate the Kunz Brundidge Franklin County Extension Building groundbreaking. Special thanks to Commissioner John ...
