
Search results

  1. CD Wire- September 21, 2020

    partnership with United Way of Central Ohio, will present this livestream event on Wednesday, September 30, ... the livestream if you would like to ask a question. If you just want to view the event, go to the ... Impact Collaborative Summit is a team event. Community partners are encouraged to participate on teams. ...

  2. CD Wire- February 15, 2021

    Research Engagement 101: The Basics- February 17: This webinar (February 17 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.) will ... and to register. The event will be held online this year on March 6, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. After ...

  3. OARDC Impacts

    sanitation procedures, insect vector management guidelines to curb spread, and recommendations on ...

  4. Manure practices, not glamorous, can be a star for both food crops and water

    helping farmers get both at the same time. The event featured talks and demonstrations on manure handling, ... technologies that can help keep rivers, lakes and streams clean, said David White, executive director of the ... Ohio Livestock Coalition, an event sponsor. “Nutrient management and water quality are critical ...

  5. Deadly pig virus is now in Ohio: Key is strict biosecurity

    producers is to clean, clean, clean,” he said. “Facilities need to be as clean as possible.” PEDv isn’t ...

  6. Club News from Around the County

    at Perfect North. Members attending the event had a lot fun spending time together and getting to ... the project.        4-H Clover Crusaders- Clean Up Camp Graham On May 18th the Clover Crusaders 4-H ... club cleaned up Camp Graham. This year, we had the opportunity to have Crossroads Church help us. They ...

  7. Leasing Your Land for Shale & Solar- Webinar Series June 23-25

    registrants one week prior to each event. ...

  8. CD Wire- November 16, 2020

    Area Transit to bring basic public transportation to our county. I’ve also really enjoyed being a part ... Impact of COVID-19 on Communities (Part II). This will be the final webinar in a series of events on ... community-building experiences. The event will include presentations and a Q&A with students who completed senior ...

  9. Leasing Your Land for Shale & Solar- Webinar Series

    link above. Zoom links will be distributed to registrants one week prior to each event. ...

  10. Elder Care: It Takes a Village

    up their dirty clothes every morning and brings them back clean and carefully hung or folded; the ... housekeeper who cleans the floor no matter what mess s/he encounters. They also are the groundskeeper who mows ...
