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  1. Everyone Can Garden! Session Four, Canning and Preservation Basics

    will address the basics of planning and planting a vegetable garden, learn about essential maintenance, ... including pest management, canning and preservation, and finish with composting, end-of-season clean-up and ... start? In this session, we will cover the basics of garden planning and provide an overview of Universal ...

  2. Everyone Can Garden! Session Three, Garden Maintenance

    will address the basics of planning and planting a vegetable garden, learn about essential maintenance, ... including pest management, canning and preservation, and finish with composting, end-of-season clean-up and ... start? In this session, we will cover the basics of garden planning and provide an overview of Universal ...

  3. Everyone Can Garden! Session Two, Planting Your Vegetable Garden

    will address the basics of planning and planting a vegetable garden, learn about essential maintenance, ... including pest management, canning and preservation, and finish with composting, end-of-season clean-up and ... start? In this session, we will cover the basics of garden planning and provide an overview of Universal ...

  4. Everyone Can Garden! Session One, Planning Your Vegetable Garden

    will address the basics of planning and planting a vegetable garden, learn about essential maintenance, ... including pest management, canning and preservation, and finish with composting, end-of-season clean-up and ... start? In this session, we will cover the basics of garden planning and provide an overview of Universal ...

  5. Study: Inexpensive Cleaners Can Effectively Sanitize Kitchen Surfaces

    January 13, 2011 Editor: The video below about cleaning and sanitizing kitchen surfaces also is ... each year. Consumers can take steps to protect themselves and their families by cleaning and sanitizing ... Allow the sanitizer to air dry or dry it with another clean paper towel. Consumers who use the chlorine ...

  6. The Amazing Race 4-H Polar SPIN Club

    LEVEL: Youth in grades 5- 8 COST:  Free, snack and lunch included REGISTER: EVENT ...

  7. Lois B. Small and Gladys B. Hamilton Labyrinth Garden

    could be enclosed and/or tented for special events and still provide a unique feature for our gardens, ... interactive destination point in the Arboretum and provided an enclosed area for private receptions/events in ...

  8. Basic Home Food Preservation

    Join OSU Extension, Lucas County for a free overview of home food preservation. Learn basic food ...

  9. Basic Home Food Preservation

    Join OSU Extension, Lucas County for a free overview of home food preservation. Learn basic food ...

  10. Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease virus 2 (RHD2) confirmed in Ohio

    rabbits to contact domestic rabbits (raised cages, well-sealed enclosures or barns) Clean and sanitize any ... Important information on cleaning and sanitizing Remember that disinfection cannot occur until ... reduce risk. Minimize risk of spreading disease by sanitizing shoes and washing clothes after visiting ...
