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  1. Innovative tech shows promise to boost rubber production in US

    added for purification. “By adding flocculants, latex extraction is more efficient and clean,” said ... the material clean and pure.” This work was supported by the National Institute of Food and ...

  2. Ohio State breaks ground on Multispecies Animal Learning Center

    events. “The construction of this facility presents an opportunity for even greater engagement with the ... Sciences Waterman College Events/Announcements Sherrie R. Whaley ...

  3. Bats draw incredible showing

    Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife. “A big focus of this event was to raise awareness of ...

  4. Saddle & Sirloin hosts inaugural cattle show

    Agriculture and Event Center in Circleville. During the livestock show, youth were awarded grand champion ... through 5th overall in both market and breeding shows. While no animals were sold, all event proceeds went ... Spectacular is one event that the club looks forward to the most throughout the year, because it gives us ...

  5. 2021

    and Cleaning Frequency on Sheep Water Consumption Dr. Benjamin Wenner Brietta Latham and Madison ...

  6. Spring is the time to start exploring careers

    attending events like conferences or Environmental Professionals Network breakfasts, volunteering time for ...

  7. 2023

    Events in Agricultural Headwater Streams Dr. Peter Smiley, Jr. Xucheng Hu Methods Comparison in ...

  8. Abigail R.X.P. Thiel

    reach of the student-led sustainability event. Her tenure on the committee saw the event gain official ... for this major annual event.  Through the SENR Honors Program, Abby has had the opportunity to pursue ...

  9. Spencer D. Logan

    friends his second year taught Spencer to cook, clean, and fend for himself while keeping up with ...

  10. Ohio Woodland Stewards- Owl Prowl- CANCELLED

    into the woods to call in these silent hunters. This is a family-friendly event with an owl craft and ... activity! Be sure to bundle up as we will be outdoors the whole event. Feel free to bring blankets to keep ...
