
Search results

  1. Avian Influenza

    mouth and eyes. The USDA response to outbreaks of avian influenza make use of five basic steps that ...

  2. Summer Time Blues

    leaned this summer? *What has been your favorite activity or event, so far? And you can continue from ...

  3. Home Canning Basics

    Learn how to safely can and preserve food from your garden. This class is free and open to the public. Register Here ...

  4. Take the Local Foods Challenge!

    Look for regional community events, follow the event on Facebook and Twitter, and sign up at  ...

  5. Livestock Judging Teams Represent Ohio at National Contests

    recently competed at three national events. Congratulations to our outstanding youth judges! Ross/Highland ... equipment identification; quality assurance; and current agricultural events. The team consisting of ...

  6. Northeast Ohio Dairy Conference

    Event Center in Dalton. This annual conference is organized and conducted by the Killbuck Valley ...

  7. 4-H Cloverbuds & State Fair Workshop

    implementing Cloverbud events.  The afternoon will focus on Preparations for a Positive 4-H State Fair ... Topics include non-livestock project judging, livestock, dogs and companion animals, offsite events and ...

  8. OMK Teen Camp ages 12-15

    register using an email address you use OFTEN! * To enhance event safety and security for you and your ... family the exact location of this event will be provided immediately after registration is complete.    ... General locations listed are within 20-30 miles of the event to allow initial planning.    If you have ...

  9. Ohio 4-H Dog Expo

    of the form. Confirmation of Registration: You will receive an email before the event listing your ...

  10. Northeast Ohio Dairy Conference

    Buckeye Event Center in Dalton.  The dairy conference is planned and organized by the Killbuck Valley ...
