
Search results

  1. Camp Counselor Lock-In

    NOTE CHANGES to this event from what is printed in 2015 Hancock County 4-H Calendar! Due to some ...

  2. 4-H Cake Decorating, Food & Nutrition Project Judging

    for judging Cake Decorating Projects- Bring completed project book, and basic cake decorating ...

  3. Urban Conservation and Stormwater Management Links

    Services USGS American Public Works Association US Army Corp of Engineers) Association of Clean Water ...

  4. OAA Annual Conference * Jan. 31- Feb. 1, 2015

    peers, industry specialists and aquaculture vendors at the 2015 OAA Annual Conference. The event features ...

  5. RSVP For Employee Fun Fest

    Don't forget to RSVP for the Employee Fun Fest. All activities are FREE! ...

  6. News: Annual Garden Open House is Aug. 7 and 8

    MacDowell Music Club). The event is free and open to the public. Extensive free parking is located on ...

  7. Food Science Grad Student Advises U.S. Policy-Makers on Global Food Security

    Results." The purpose of the event was to highlight advances in global food security being made by the U.S. ...

  8. Registration due for Ohio 4-H Conference

    traditionally had great participation in this event.  Here's a link for more information about the 2015 ...

  9. Save the date! Scholarship Golf Outing is Sept. 9

    SAVE THE DATE! The annual Turfgrass Scholarship Golf Outing will be Monday, September 9th at Shady Hollow Country Club in Massillon. Online registration details coming shortly... ...

  10. Urban agriculture: an emerging avenue

    individual acquired basic understating and moved toward an urban agricultural farming system, the education ...
