
Search results

  1. Pay Attention to Dairy Cow Stocking Density

    higher than this, the time drops to under 30 minutes. Basically, cows know that stalls are in demand and ... a stall is available. Stall bedding must be clean and dry. The stall design and size must be matched to ...

  2. Events Calendar

    Here are some interesting events coming up that we thought you might like: CFAES at The Ohio State ... food, show ring, barn or display booth to join your fellow CFAES Buckeyes for a drink! This event is at ... Worthington.  The event is free and open to the public.  More information is available here. Turfgrass Research ...

  3. Club Memories

    in Saddle and Sirloin:   I served as Treasurer and Vice President while in the club.  We had an event called ... smoke while Woody Hayes spoke to the group.  He was so friendly and approachable at the event and told ...

  4. Volunteer at Farm Science Review

    even better for CFAES alumni and friends. The event takes place September 19 - 21 at the Molly Caren ... Agricultural Center in London, Ohio.  The event is the nation’s premier agricultural trade and education show ... Tuesday and Thursday lunch events – 10 a.m. to noon. Recent alums needed for Future Buckeyes Booth. If you ...

  5. Calf Behavior and Bedding Materials

    requires that calves have a clean, dry surface to lay on with ventilation that removes any ammonia near the ...

  6. Does TMR Sampling Provide Useful Nutrient Composition Data?

    The same basic approach as above except the TMR is sampled over multiple days and then variation is ... feedbunk carrying a clean container such as a 5 gal bucket, take a handful of TMR approximately every 10 to ... walked the entire feedbunk, mix the contents of the bucket and then dump the contents onto a clean floor ...

  7. Ethics in Beekeeping- Online

    A GUEST at about 8:55 the day of the event:   ...

  8. Plastic Pot Recycling- Columbus, Ohio

    event so you can join or renew your support of our programs and gardens as your vehicle is being ...

  9. A Life in the City: The Often Unseen Biodiversity that Surrounds Us and Why It Matters- Columbus, Ohio

    schedule of events and how to register.     ...

  10. HireOhio Alumni Career Fair- Columbus, Ohio

    Fair hosted by The Ohio State University. This event is available to alumni from The Ohio State ...
