
Search results

  1. Ponding and Flooding in Corn Fields

    events have left those fields that did get planted with water logged, saturated soils.  In some fields, ...

  2. “2015 Buckeye Shepherd’s Symposium

    of the event will include a “Productivity and Profitability Workshop” with Dr. Richard Ehrhardt, ... registrations are accepted the day of the event, pre-registration is requested to help with meal planning and ... event handout materials. For more detailed information about the 2015 Buckeye Shepherd’s Symposium ...

  3. Calendar of Events

      Please join us for these virtual activities over the next few weeks. ...

  4. Make Plans to Attend the Annual Buckeye Shepherds Symposium

    of the event will include a “Productivity and Profitability Workshop” with Dr. Richard Ehrhardt, ... Ralph Grimshaw Memorial Scholarship winners. Although registrations are accepted the day of the event ... , pre-registration is requested to help with meal planning and event handout materials.  For more detailed ...

  5. Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification 2015

    applicator license categories are: Core (basic pesticide handling, application, safety, rules and ...

  6. Mindfulness- Are you ready for Christmas?

    activities and faith based events are all added to the extra tasks of shopping, decorating, baking, and ... are gone, but they will remember the special events or activities they participated in. Don’t forget ...

  7. 4-H News and Notes: April 3, 2017

    details about upcoming programs and events. Reminder- Tonight's Junior Leaders meeting has been moved ... April 7th.   We have had a great response so far and are looking forward to a fun evening.  This event ...

  8. Dairy Ration Modifications During Heat Stress

    and milking holding areas.  Providing ample cool, clean water is vitally important to minimize heat ...

  9. Health Challenge, Mindful Eating

    gifts for consumers, families find a few more events on the calendar and I find myself beginning to ... November 20 through January 2.  This is a statewide Live Healthy, Live Well event with OSU Extension that ...

  10. Museum of Biological Diversity open house

    Museum Open House, a free event on the Columbus campus that attracts thousands of visitors. April ...
