
Search results

  1. Zotero Workshop

    Please bring a laptop for this Zotero demonstration by Gwen Short and Laura Applegate. ...

  2. Science Café: Ohio State Forests- a Long History of Birth and Re-Growth

    State- The talk starts at 6:30 p.m. in 165 ...

  3. Livestock Judging Teams Represent Ohio at National Contests

    recently competed at three national events. Congratulations to our outstanding youth judges! Ross/Highland ... equipment identification; quality assurance; and current agricultural events. The team consisting of ...

  4. Climate Change Links

    range/seasonality of infectious diseases, disturbing food-producing ecosystems, frequency of extreme weather events ...

  5. OMK Teen Camp ages 12-15

    register using an email address you use OFTEN! * To enhance event safety and security for you and your ... family the exact location of this event will be provided immediately after registration is complete.    ... General locations listed are within 20-30 miles of the event to allow initial planning.    If you have ...

  6. 4-H Cloverbuds & State Fair Workshop

    implementing Cloverbud events.  The afternoon will focus on Preparations for a Positive 4-H State Fair ... Topics include non-livestock project judging, livestock, dogs and companion animals, offsite events and ...

  7. PULLL app lets your participate in Pelotonia by doing what you're already doing

    a virtual rider, or as an event volunteer by visiting You also can help ...

  8. Ohio 4-H Dog Expo

    of the form. Confirmation of Registration: You will receive an email before the event listing your ...

  9. 2018 Urban Landscape Pest Management Workshop

    for a disability, please call (614) 292-4070 at least two weeks prior to the event.   Commercial ...

  10. New App Helps Farmers Know When to Spray or Spread

    In the event that a forecast is wrong, historical forecasts may provide documentation that farmers ...
