
Search results

  1. Annual State of Research Address

    immediately following the announcement. The event is open to the entire research community.  RSVP  today. ...

  2. Agricultural Systems Management Club

    placement.        Our Events        Our Activites AZP Blooddrive Lawn Mower Clinic Euchre Tourney Farm ...

  3. Save the date! Scholarship Golf Outing is Sept. 9

    SAVE THE DATE! The annual Turfgrass Scholarship Golf Outing will be Monday, September 9th at Shady Hollow Country Club in Massillon. Online registration details coming shortly... ...

  4. A New Approach to Ag Research Funding

    For more information about the event or to reserve one of those individual time slots (which are 15 ...

  5. News: Faculty, staff honored for service, scholarship, teaching and advising

    Ohio State ATI held its annual faculty/staff recognition event on April 21. The following were ...

  6. go Green, go Buckeye!

    will also have the opportunity to go on a tour of either Noskar House or Morrill Tower. The event will ...

  7. Farm to School

    purchasing from local growers, developing school gardens, engaging in community events, and educating staff, ...

  8. Engineer's Week Kickoff Event

    National Engineer's Week Kickoff Event Tuesday, November 4th from 1-1:45pm Pfahl Hall Room ...

  9. Sharp Shooters Fall Meet And Greet

    friends! We will be shooting rifle, pistol, shotgun, muzzleloader and archery. This event is open to any ...

  10. Harnessing Consumers and Communities to Help Meet U.S. Food Waste Reduction Goals

    for the full-day in-person event is $15, while student registration and webinar registration are free. ... a food waste program will feel empowered to do so after attending the event, whether in person or ...
