
Search results

  1. Better Science through Better Mentoring

    The Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER) has developed a curriculum based on proven mentorship development curricula. ...

  2. 2013 Diversity Leadership Symposium

    Please mark your calendars for April 12 and come and support one of our college’s premier events ... address by Dr. David Livermore.  This event will be held on April 12, 2012 from 8:00AM-4:00PM at The ...

  3. Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)

    filter must backwashed periodically; a cartridge filter must be cleaned or replaced periodically.  These ...

  4. 2017 CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum Highlights

    Ohio Union on Thursday evening, April 6, 2017.  Thanks to everyone who made this a successful event and ...

  5. Autumn Discovery Day

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. The event is the arboretum’s second-biggest fundraiser of the year, ...

  6. Farm to Fork Food Dialogues

    dinner!  Time for conversation! Attend OSU's "Farm to Fork Food Dialogues" event! This ...

  7. Grad Students informal event with Grant office

    200 (Wooster) Kayla Arnold does not need video system Friday, September 28, 2018- 2:00pm to 3:00pm ...

  8. Beyond Google Scholar Workshop

    Beyond Google Scholar workshop on Tuesday, March 5, because 50 focused and fabulous articles are better than 50,000 possible articles. ...

  9. WinterFest Rescheduled to Feb. 27

    WinterFest is February 27 at the SAC. ...

  10. Predatory Publishing, Solicitation Scams, and Unethical Publishing Practices: A Panel Discussion

    Lunch provided, please  register for this event. Join us for an informal presentation and ...
