
Search results

  1. Food Safety and Garden Flooding

    then thoroughly clean and cook the product before eating it. Root and tuber crops such as carrots, ... removal by washing or sanitation is nearly impossible. Consider crop maturity Plants with fruit (i.e., ... harvesting containers and then sanitize them with a disinfectant such as Lysol, diluted bleach (one part ...

  2. Septic System Maintenance

    responsible for maintenance. Septic systems have three basic parts: a septic tank, a treatment system and ... presents the basic, regular maintenance required for all types of systems. Specific, detailed information ... sewage. A home-based business that uses a lot of water or pours excess chemicals, grease or cleaning ...

  3. Eating Nutritiously When the Power Is Out

    Replace water every six months, or follow the expiration date. If you need to sanitize water, add ... napkins, paper towels, sanitizing wipes, hand sanitizer, measuring cups, measuring spoons, mixing bowls (or ... for refuse Safety Precautions Clean hands and preparation surfaces before and while preparing food. ...

  4. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Onions

    onions (red, white, and yellow)  - Select bright, clean, hard, well-shaped onions with dry skins that ... the following fact sheets: Canning Basics, HYG-5338 Basics for Canning Vegetables, HYG-5344 Freezing ...

  5. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Peppers

    redepositing of dirt and residues. Use a soft brush to clean peppers if needed. To prepare, place the pepper on ... the following fact sheets: Canning Basics, HYG-5338 Basics for Canning Vegetables, HYG-5344 Freezing ...

  6. Silverfish and Firebrats

    Management Prevention Sanitation is important but not entirely effective in reducing populations because ... has been eliminated, sanitation will help prevent reinfestation. Infestations occasionally occur in ... snacks or other foods are frequently eaten. When in carpets, frequent vacuuming and cleaning usually will ...

  7. Biogas Cleaning and Upgrading Technologies

    calling for feasible technologies to clean up raw biogas generated from either anaerobic digesters or ... biogas cleaning and upgrading technologies. Biogas Composition A typical biogas composition is shown in ... Therefore, the need for biogas cleaning and upgrading is application dependent.   Table 1. Composition ...

  8. Water Hemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus)

    bracts arranged in spikes with pointed tips and no petals. Fruit: Ovoid capsules that split cleanly ...

  9. Preventing Machine Hazards

    hoses and extension cords out of the way. Basic Types of Machine Hazards  Cut or shear points Pinch ... this information. Clean up excess lubricants. Clearly mark control switches and valves that control ...

  10. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Cherries

    Extension office for the following fact sheets: Canning Basics, HYG-5338 Basics for Canning Fruit, HYG-5343 ...
