
Search results

  1. Changing Rivers: Enhancing the natural and social wellbeing of Ohio alongside more floods and warmer temperatures

    Program Overview Ohio’s rivers are changing. Increased heavy precipitation events and warmer ... change. The purpose of this event is to explore the specific issues of stormwater management and regional ... extreme rainfall events and to connect these changes to empirical research on the biotic diversity in ...

  2. BUGmobile: Unique Animals On the Move

    already been spotted at COSI science events, Farm Science Review, and various schools in central Ohio. ...

  3. CES Honorary Members

    our foundations. CES has benefitted from their experience and wisdom. Though not an annual event, CES ... worked tirelessly with the CES Board on several Annual Meeting events. From time to time CES honors ...

  4. Do Not Let Your Dairy Cows Strike Out this Summer

    Nutrition Consultant Summertime brings thoughts of ice cream and baseball. The post-game little league event ...

  5. 4-H Provides Life and Leadership Skills

    program that helps youth learn basic life skills, subject matter knowledge, leadership skills, how to get ...

  6. 2023 Dairy Hall of Service Recognition

    events. As provided by one of his nominators, “Mark is a great family man with deep personal convictions ...

  7. Art, agriculture, and advancing the relationship of Black people on land

    interactions with land, soil, water, and air. This EPN Signature Earth Day Event features artists, urban ... public event in-person at The Fawcett Center in Columbus or virtually through an EPN livestream ... sports mega-events, cultural organizations, cultural outcomes and changes in perception. Bourgeois’ most ...

  8. 2023 Ohio Wildlife Diversity Conference

    Columbus. Ohio’s event is the largest single-day wildlife diversity conference in the country. The first ... attendance. In 2020, approximately 1,000 people attended the daylong event. This year's event will ...


    Join the Ohio Geological Survey for Ohio Geology Discovery Day! This event is free and perfect for ... Gem and Mineral Club, and the Ohio Mining and Mineral Education Program for this great event. ...

  10. EECO Annual Conference 2023

    conference! Conference registration is at this link and the ... April 14, 2023- 5:00am Environmental Education Council of Ohio Events Deer Creek State Park Lodge ...
