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  1. Agriculture Career Cards

    awareness events in schools and communities. The Exploring Agriculture Career Cards PowerPoint presentation ...

  2. Fulton County "Fields of Knowledge" Summer Agronomy Meeting

    meeting. This event is designed to cater to agricultural grain producers, retailers, and individuals eager ... to deepen their understanding of local agronomic issues and conservation efforts. The event is being ... Extension.   The event is free to attendees, but an RSVP is requested for food count. A light breakfast, ...

  3. Macdonald Wick

    chain.  Basic Appl. Myol. 1:16-26. Presentations Thick Filament Assembly. 2013. Invited Presentation to ...

  4. Summer Course Spotlight: Intro to Animal Sciences

    Check out this exciting opportunity to explore and study the basic principles of genetics, ...

  5. Fulton County Fields of Knowledge

    Knowledge! This FREE event will consist of a great line-up of speakers brining you the latest agronomic ...

  6. Factsheets

    Medication Moving to Prescription (AS-Y-6-23) Feedstuff Identification (AS-Y-7-23) Basic Ration Balancing ...

  7. Crops and Soils Club Hosts Spring SASES Meeting!

    a jam-packed year filled with club events, fundraising, winning a CFAES Student Organization Excellence Award and ... traveling to off-campus events such as Weed Judging Competitions. We had the chance to chat with the Crops ... State for the event in April of 2023. We thought "hey, we could do this next year" and after ...

  8. Dr. Fernanda Krupek

    connect US and Central/South American agricultural stakeholders through leadership and extension events ...

  9. Dr. Uttara Samarakoon

    diversification of hydroponic crops. I organize an annual workshop in greenhouse basics for k-12 teachers to help ...

  10. Because Gravity is Free: Buckeyes travel to Honduras to support sustainable water treatment

    With over 2 billion people lacking safe water on tap (, providing access to clean ... access to clean water requires continual research and development to create more efficient, impactful, ... University has grown, focusing the delivery of clean drinking water using gravity powered water treatment ...
