
Search results

  1. Extension Volunteers Will Be Participating at the Toledo Zoo's Party for the Planet

    everyone's help finding and reporting SLF.  ...

  2. Dairy

    the most time-intensive and expensive 4-H projects. 2024 Dairy Calendar of Events Enroll in 4-H ... DairyPalooza- Ohio's premiere 4-H Dairy Event- 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. Canfield Fairgrounds in Mahoning County June ... be offered from 6-9 p.m. July 10 and 6-9 p.m. Aug. 7 at the Wayne County Fair Event Center. Check our ...

  3. MVLNA Spring Clinic

    McKinley Ave, Youngstown, OH.  This event will include a tradeshow with vendor displays and industry ...

  4. March 1 webinar offers update on Ohio farmland leasing

    614-688-3959 Extension News Tips and Events Media Advisory Business and Economics Tracy Turner ...

  5. CFAES Farm Bill Summit focuses on “unprecedented times”

    overstated. There are events that impact some producers and not others, so there needs to be a safety net in ... weather events, a record number of prevented-plant acres, record-high input costs, inflation, and other ... said. Seven thousand people were reached at 165 events by the new specialists. “We trained 46 OSU ...

  6. OSU presents Weeds University Program, Feb. 21, 9am-4pm

    in-person event with a portion of the program being broadcast virtually at the above regional locations. Dr. ... answer sessions. On-site walk-ins are not available for this event and each site is limited to a maximum ... available. To register go to For additional information on the event, contact ...

  7. Livestock Can Handle Low Temperatures But Challenges Exist

    is the most important nutrient we can provide.  Livestock need continuous access to fresh, clean ... depending on the temperature, to make sure they aren’t frozen over.  You should also clean your waterers ... Record. livestock livestock health livestock safety weather winter feeding tips events programs ANR ...

  8. Toledo Grows Seed Swap  ...

  9. Naturalist Series: Mahoning County Rocks

    events are $5 ($30 for the whole series) and occur at 6:30 pm in the Mahoning County Extension Office. ...

  10. Fruit Tree Pruning Clinic

    materials. Pruning saw is available to substitute for an additional $4.00.  View the event flyer here.  To ...
