
Search results

  1. Phi Theta Kappa Blood Drive

    Phi Theta Kappa is hosting a blood drive on Tuesday, April 9 from 10:00am to 4:00pm in the Housing Community Room. We hope to see you there. ...

  2. Better Science through Better Mentoring

    The Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER) has developed a curriculum based on proven mentorship development curricula. ...

  3. Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)

    filter must backwashed periodically; a cartridge filter must be cleaned or replaced periodically.  These ...

  4. Beyond Google Scholar Workshop

    Beyond Google Scholar workshop on Tuesday, March 5, because 50 focused and fabulous articles are better than 50,000 possible articles. ...

  5. WinterFest Rescheduled to Feb. 27

    WinterFest is February 27 at the SAC. ...

  6. OSU Animal Welfare Symposium: A Big Success

    importance to Ohio agriculture. The event was co-organized by Dr. Naomi Botheras (Department of Animal ...

  7. Celebrate Black History Month- RSVP TODAY

    To help celebrate Black History Month, everyone is invited to a Soul Food Dinner hosted by OSU Mansfield and North Central State College on February 21st at 5:30 pm. RSVP by February 13. ...

  8. Academic Integrity for Instructors

    Jay Hobgood of the Committee on Academic Misconduct will present "Academic Integrity for Instructors" on March 26, 2019 at 11:30 am in SK 030.  ...

  9. Milk Price Inversion in Ohio Federal Milk Marketing Orders

    Consider the following set of events. You open up the envelope from your favorite milk buyer expecting to ... a deduction in my milk price? The answer is that in July of 1998 sets of events occurred that are not typical ...

  10. 2014 Ohio Stormwater Conference

    clicking here  for more information on this event. The Ohio Stormwater Conference will provide up to 13 ... sessions Click to Register Today! Last years event sold out with over 630 attendees, register early to ...
