
Search results

  1. Snider to complete internship with The Fatted Calf

    organization and execution of the fair event. "We are really looking forward to working with Carley this ...

  2. Walls to complete Ohio agriscience education internship

    agriculture. "Kayla’s execution of events is exceptional,” said Jessica Parrish, Ohio FFA Foundation ...

  3. Bush to serve term as National ACT Officer

    Bush attended the Agricultural Media Summit, an annual event that brings together the American Business ...

  4. Staff Book Discussions

    Staff book discussions have been scheduled for May, June and July. ...

  5. Mother's Day Plant Sale

    The ATI Greenhouse annual Mother's Day plant sale is scheduled for Wednesday, May 8, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. ...

  6. Implicit Bias workshop to be held in Wooster on April 26th

    The Implicit Bias workshop will be held on the Wooster campus on April 26th. ...

  7. Phi Theta Kappa Induction Ceremony

    The Phi Theta Kappa Induction Ceremony will be held on Tuesday, April 23 at 5:30pm in the Housing Office Community Room. Please plan on joining us in celebrating these students' academic achievements.  ...

  8. Save the date! Secrest Welcome Center open house

    Secrest Welcome and Education Center open house scheduled for May 7. ...

  9. Heiby to complete Ohio agriscience education internship

    education and works very hard to ensure that all of the programs and events we host are well planned and ...

  10. Container gardening using Strawberry Jars

    take a little practice but basically you just need to create an opening in the soil, add the plant, and ...
