
Search results

  1. Show Us Your Tailgate Promotion

    related to agriculture in Ohio. The event is part of the Ohio Soybean Council's "Freedom to ...

  2. Show Us Your Tailgate Promotion

    visiting the store regarding positive messages related to agriculture in Ohio. The event is part of the ...

  3. Highlights from the 2016 Agribusiness Club Trip to Texas

    rooms, classrooms and a beautiful event facility. The morning of our fifth day we went back to Texas ...

  4. Dairy Policy and Market Watch

    an annual event where representatives from across the dairy industry, including milk producers, dairy ...

  5. 2010 Dairy Judging and Quiz Bowl Teams

    conjunction with these events.  These students have been quite visible in the parlor at the Ohio State Fair, ...

  6. Dairy Commodity and Milk Price Outlook

    growth in the U.S. dairy export market to remain weak.  In spite of these events, the export volumes for ...

  7. Register for the Midwest Graduate Student Conference on Regional and Applied Economics

    speakers for the event include: keynote speaker Dr. Philip McCann from the University of Groningen in the ...

  8. Ohio State Economist: Taxing Phosphorus Could Reduce Risk of Algal Blooms

    stations also seems to indicate that there have been more large rainfall events in the past 15 years than ... thunderstorms-- big, large events that bring large amounts of rainfall that create abnormally large flows,” ...

  9. Dairy Commodity and Milk Price Outlook

    increase from the August 18th trading event.  Perhaps a bottom to the international market has arrived. The ... prices, and by the logic of MPP, this does not qualify as a ‘catastrophic loss event’.  If you are looking ...

  10. Dr. D. Elder publishes book

    special events, from household chores, road trips by buggy, and family prayer to baptisms, youth group ...
