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Vegetable Gardening Basics
It’s Spring! We’ll break down garden duties into three parts: Planning, Planting, and Maintaining. For first time gardeners or as a refresher after a long, cold winter, leave with a month-by-month plan of major tasks in the garden and how to use your time ...
Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices
decade, regardless of any sort of weather event. The reason is that global milk production has come to ... America and recent political events occurring in the European Union. Thus, buyers are really starting to ...
Columbus Urban Farmer Network Event
Come learn how to be part of an OSU flea beetle research/demonstration project and plan the 2018 Farm Tour Series. ...
Quality Assurance Test Out Event
Want to Add Solar Power on Your Farm? Go to This Workshop
program to support their projects,” said Mary Wicks, a program coordinator at OARDC and one of the event ...
Organic Crop Field Day
The event is from 2 to 6 p.m. Sept. 8 starting at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development ...
Dairy Leaders Honor Ohio's World Championship Industry During June Dairy Month Celebration
was represented extremely well at the event and additional luggage was required for their return trip. ...
MarketView...U.S. Dairy Outlook Brief October-December 2010
of milk and milk components, as under the old Minnesota-Wisconsin or Basic Formula pricing rules. As ...
USDA Releases DAIRY 2014: Dairy Management Practices in the United States
small operations (34.1%) had some cows calve in an individual pen cleaned between each calving compared ... across herd sizes used individual calving pens that were cleaned after two or more calvings. Of the 74.4% ...
Take a Journey in the Outdoors
a passing window. Then after work we rush to errands, to children’s events and when we arrive home it’s off ...