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Financial Maturity: A Guide to Increasing Financial Returns From Your Woodland
the 10-year period. Compound Interest Calculations The basic compound interest formula is PV (1 ...
Community-Level Strategies for Urban Coyote Management
interpretive walks, and community events may also be designed to illustrate coyote life history, how and why ...
Using Solar Energy to Produce Electricity for Ohioans
Development, Ohio State University Extension, Wyandot County Because it is a virtually unlimited, clean, and ... stressed the grid. Types of Technologies There are two basic types of technologies currently used to ... system is being used, the mirrors basically track the sun, channeling sunlight energy on collection tubes ...
Carpet Beetles
shelves, and drawers. Periodically brush, air outside, or dry-clean furs, woolens, blankets, etc. Clean ... dry-cleaned, washed, pressed with a hot iron, sunned, or brushed prior to storage. Fur storage in cold vaults ... Insecticides Woolen carpets, clothing, and blankets should be cleaned and immediately stored in tightly sealed ...
Bitter Rot of Apple
Bitter rot can be successfully managed by integrating good sanitation practices, cultural practices and ... chemical control. There are no varieties that are resistant to bitter rot. Sanitation and cultural ... practices Bitter rot control is dependent on good orchard and tree sanitation. Dead wood, including shoots ...
Drones for Spraying Pesticides—Opportunities and Challenges
rotating disc assembly can be easily cleaned. Their biggest advantage is their production of relatively ... cleaning, especially when spraying mixtures that contain solid particles. Which Spray Drone Should You Buy? ... a lengthy and tedious cleaning process. Therefore, a jar test should be done first to test the mixing ...
Application of High-Pressure-Based Technologies in the Food Industry
food processors to satisfy consumer demand for clean-label products. During HPP, the treated products ... beverages. The liquid food is packaged into a large, pre-sanitized, large-volume polymer bag (up to 500 ... has the potential to create various clean-label liquid foods, emulsions, and sauces. What are Other ...
Keeping Plants Healthy
include tillage practices, water management, fertility, crop rotation and sanitation (cleaning or removal) ... as the use of “clean” tools and equipment are critical to maintaining healthy plants and reducing ... Diseases of Plants Nematode Diseases of Plants Parasitic Higher Plants Sanitation and Phytosanitation ...
Viral Diseases of Plants
For cutting, grafting or propagating seedlings vegetatively, use cleaner or sanitized tools and ... clean tissue is then used as a propagative source, allowing large-scale production of virus-free plants. ... plant material are kept out of the new virus-clean plantings, subsequent reinfection is unlikely, ...
Food Safety and Garden Flooding
then thoroughly clean and cook the product before eating it. Root and tuber crops such as carrots, ... removal by washing or sanitation is nearly impossible. Consider crop maturity Plants with fruit (i.e., ... harvesting containers and then sanitize them with a disinfectant such as Lysol, diluted bleach (one part ...