
Search results

  1. TWEL Brian Tsuru Thesis

    history events. My research explored trade-offs made by migratory birds during the post-breeding period, ... activities, recording the timing of major events such as spring arrival, nest fledging, and the cessation of ... season events can produce carry-over effects affecting individual birds in subsequent stages of the ...

  2. Join us for the Ohio State Earth Day Festival!

    from 3-7pm! The event will take place outside* on the South Oval and in Browning Amphitheatre near ... of the event. There is no formal sign up and feel free to come and go as you please. This student ... planned and executed event is open to all and we hope you'll join us in this fun and educational ...

  3. Ohio State Earth Day Festival

    from 3-7pm! The event will take place outside* on the South Oval and in Browning Amphitheatre near ... of the event. There is no formal sign up and feel free to come and go as you please. This student ... planned and executed event is open to all and we hope you'll join us in this fun and educational ...

  4. Internships and Academic Credit for Experiential Learning

    internship search: Familiarize yourself with the basic requirements an internship must meet in order to be ...

  5. Stay Connected

    View videos from our events on YouTube Looking to connect with alumni? Check out our SENR Alumni ...

  6. Soils and Climate Change

    ENR 5268 This course is designed for students interested in learning basic soil and geologic ...

  7. SENR Career Services: Faculty and Staff

    other events that start to kick off across the university in September. The CFAES Food & ... 3rd, 2022. All SENR students are highly encouraged to take part in the event. Their tasks for October ... fair- Use Handshake to find events, workshops, and other professional development opportunities- Meet ...

  8. ENR undergraduate shares service experience

    and the importance of wetlands because they provide a buffer from hurricanes. I helped clean up the ...

  9. SENR Announcements, May 22

    Event Students from the ENR 8890.04 (co-instructors Dr. Demyan and Dr. Hattey) Soil Science Seminar, ... School 6th grade science classes on March 10, 2023 to conduct an outreach event on soils. Our students developed ... register June 5- EPN Breakfast and Summer Field Tour event-  Honoring Ohio's Environment and ...

  10. Faculty member speaker at TEDxOhioStateUniversity

    the 2023 TEDxOhioStateUniversity event held on March 4, 2023 at Mershon Auditorium. Listen to how Dr. ... (starting at 3:37:21). Learn more about the event and speakers here and watch the full event here. Faculty ...
