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  1. Eating Nutritiously When the Power Is Out

    Replace water every six months, or follow the expiration date. If you need to sanitize water, add ... napkins, paper towels, sanitizing wipes, hand sanitizer, measuring cups, measuring spoons, mixing bowls (or ... for refuse Safety Precautions Clean hands and preparation surfaces before and while preparing food. ...

  2. Silverfish and Firebrats

    Management Prevention Sanitation is important but not entirely effective in reducing populations because ... has been eliminated, sanitation will help prevent reinfestation. Infestations occasionally occur in ... snacks or other foods are frequently eaten. When in carpets, frequent vacuuming and cleaning usually will ...

  3. Biogas Cleaning and Upgrading Technologies

    calling for feasible technologies to clean up raw biogas generated from either anaerobic digesters or ... biogas cleaning and upgrading technologies. Biogas Composition A typical biogas composition is shown in ... Therefore, the need for biogas cleaning and upgrading is application dependent.   Table 1. Composition ...

  4. Preventing Machine Hazards

    hoses and extension cords out of the way. Basic Types of Machine Hazards  Cut or shear points Pinch ... this information. Clean up excess lubricants. Clearly mark control switches and valves that control ...

  5. Safe Handling of Anhydrous Ammonia

    vehicle must carry a 5-gallon water container of clean water. PPE Necessary For Working With NH ... 3 Goggles/face shield Approved respirator Rubber gloves Long-sleeved and loose fitting shirts Basic First Aid for ... —Check the consistency with other tanks of similar volume. Make sure the lens is clean and the dial face ...

  6. Personal Eye Protection

    shape. Discard pitted or scratched eye wear. Eye wear should be clean and defogged. Protective eye wear ... should fit snugly and be reasonably comfortable under conditions of use. Keep protective eye wear clean ... Clean the lenses thoroughly with soap and water. Disinfect eye wear that has been exposed to a hazardous ...

  7. Foodborne Illness: Guess Who Came to Dinner

    careful food preparation. The following basic principles can be followed to prepare food and keep it safe: ... Use safe sources. Purchase foods and ingredients from places you trust. Use clean, potable water ... wash hands often with soapy water and keep everything clean that comes into contact with food. Prevent ...

  8. Personal Eye Protection for Trainers and Supervisors

    eyewear. Eyewear should be clean and defogged. Protective eyewear should fit snugly. It should be ... reasonably comfortable under conditions of use. Keep Protective Eyewear Clean Clean the lenses thoroughly ... someone else. Store clean eye wear in a closed, dustproof case. Plastic bags with a zipper work well. To ...

  9. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Cherries

    Extension office for the following fact sheets: Canning Basics, HYG-5338 Basics for Canning Fruit, HYG-5343 ...

  10. ChopChop Kids Club Newsletter

    this newsletter you’ll find basic salad recipes and skills, along with fun facts, a taste test, and ... your family needs a refrigerator clean-out. Volume 7: Rice This week we’re making bread. Yes, you can ...
