
Search results

  1. Plant Pathology

    Club hosts social and educational events as well as engages in service activities for Plant Pathology ...

  2. Morgan Meyer

    campus, introduce them to extracurricular and event opportunities, and be there for any questions or help ...

  3. 2022 Overholt Drainage School

    installation Drainage design software Soils basics and topographic investigation • GPS surveying and machine ... Audience: This event is intended for drainage contractors, professional engineers, consultants, district ... maintenance! Event Flyer Online Registration Print Registration Form Hotel Information       As the COVID-19 ...

  4. Garner selected for, participates in 4-H Professionals' Cultural Immersion Project

    projects, participated in local community events, discussion groups, local agriculture and farm tours, and ...

  5. ACEL students receive national project awards

    State ACT hosted several events throughout the academic year to promote the agriculture industry and ... develop members’ skills. The club hosts Farmer’s Share, an event held at The Oval on the Ohio State campus ... Professionals, an event for students to network with industry leaders and grow their professional skills, is also ...

  6. Orientation

    college and the majors we offer Academic Advising The basic components of an Ohio State degree The process ...

  7. Blue attends the Smithfield Foods Explore Seminar

    event,” said Dr. Shannon Washburn, professor and chair of the Department of Agricultural Communication, ...

  8. Academic Difficulty

    will a clean cumulative GPA (0.00). If you have not been enrolled at the university for 5 or more ...

  9. Ohio State Students win Gold Medal at 2022 iGem Competition

    community and collaboration. The iGEM Grand Jamboree is an annual event that showcases over 300 teams ...

  10. Overholt International Drainage Hall of Fame Inducts Two Drainage Experts

    this elite group of drainage experts. The event was held on Wednesday, August 31, 2022, in conjunction ...
