
Search results

  1. Taste of OSU

    (samples of international cuisine). Admission to event free. Taste of OSU 2014 is on Friday, February 7, ...

  2. Peace Corps Halloween Talk

    Join PeaceCorps at 6pm in the Browing Amphitheater (or LZ001 in the event of bad weather ...

  3. Graduate Exit Seminar

    occurring during late summer or late winter. Hypoxic events can alter fish habitat usage and cause massive ... fish kills. With the intensity of hypoxic event increasing and water temperatures warming, it is ...

  4. Undergraduate Researchers Participate in Forum

    faculty, and the public. Participation in this event helps to prepare students for the Denman Undergraduate ...

  5. Monarch Butterfly Conservation Webinar Series In this webinar, a panel of presenters will share techniques and case studies for enhancing ...

  6. Partridge and Faggian Present at the European Regional Science Association’s 52nd European Congress

    held each August, is the organization’s largest event bringing together hundreds of attendees.  ... helped to organize an all-day event at the conference focused on the “Urban World 2050”, chaired ... a discussion as part of this event that focused on the “Pioneer City 2050” and “The Livable City 2050”. He also ...

  7. Agricultural Conservation Links

    education/Envirothon;  link to Ohio ag pollution abatement program) Ohio Clean Lakes Initiative (July 2012 initiative of ...

  8. Farm Science Review

    staff and students will have at this year's event, including headlining a panel discussion on water ...

  9. What Every Job Candidate Needs to Know

    interviewing and will be in shorts and t-shirts.  Have a clean and neat notebook or portfolio with you so you ...

  10. Weather Links

    Ohio Climate and Climate Change Ohio Climate Event reports Climate, Climate Change, and Weather ...
