
Search results

  1. Involved Living Leadership Conference 2020

    Involved Living Leadership Conference Sunday, October 11th, 2020 from 11am- 4pm 1 Keynote & 4 programming sessions   JOIN US for the Involved Living Leadership Conference (ILLC) on Sunday, October 11 from noon-4 pm! This conference is open to any unde ...

  2. Billy Eichner- Voice of Timon on Zoom

    Friday, October 2, 2020 OUABilly on the Zoom 7:00 PM Billy Eichner is a four-time Emmy nominated actor, comedian, writer, and producer. He most recently starred in Disney’s live-action remake of The Lion King as the voice of Timon, opposite Seth Rogen, Do ...

  3. Cereal Rye – A Cover Crop with Feed Value?

    up to November 1st during normal years. As with all of our crops, starting with a clean seedbed is ... very important.  Fields with a history of winter annuals (i.e., marestail) need to have a cleanly ...

  4. What Are Your Bedding Options- is $100/ton Straw an Option?

    knotters cleaned more often than with other crops. Some producers make corn stalk bedding by windrowing the ...

  5. Wooster Science Cafe is Back: September 30th and October 14th

    The Wooster Science café Fall presentations are back! September 30th at 7:00 pm: Getting to Know the Neighbors: Squirrels, Obsessions and Long-term Data presented by Rick Lehtinen, The College of Wooster October 14th at 7:00 pm: Becoming a Community Scien ...

  6. Milk Price Outlook

    Gary Schnitkey The Basic Formula Price (BFP) for January was released on February 5th.  For ...

  7. Livestock Building Rental Considerations

    coming to a rental rate agreement. There are two basic categories of building ownership costs, variable ... worksheet to help building owners estimate ownership costs. A basic starting point for determining ownership ...

  8. IM Putting Competition

    IM Putting contests Test your putting skills on the ATI Putting Greens!  Two putting greens, two different contests, more opportunities to win! Contest 1- Come test your skills on our own simulated putt-putt course. Lowest score wins! Contest 2- Combo Put ...

  9. Energy Balance of Cows and Mastitis: Potential Linkages

    cow hygiene (keeping stalls clean, frequent scrapping of allies, and following good milking ... with numerous other events, including hormonal changes, hypocalcemia, and changes in vitamin status; ...

  10. Lunch with Leaders

    Lunch with Leaders BO OTS & STILETTOS: What I’ve Learned About Taking Leadership One Step at a Time presented by Kim Sayers, Director, Business Training & Educational Services Have you ever stepped into a new role and felt like you were just dropp ...
