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  1. SBDC helps businesses grow, increase sales, create and retain jobs in 2018

    capital Logged 4,323 consulting hours Held 19 training events with 344 attendees SBDC Clients created 106 ...

  2. 4-H News and Notes: April 3, 2017

    details about upcoming programs and events. Reminder- Tonight's Junior Leaders meeting has been moved ... April 7th.   We have had a great response so far and are looking forward to a fun evening.  This event ...

  3. Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates for Corn

    and beyond the reach of plant roots with high and/or frequent rainfall events, or through ...

  4. Agricultural Security Area

    The basic eligibility requirements to be considered for ASA enrollment include: The 500 acres (or ...

  5. Beef Cow Size and Profitability

    University of Florida.   The basic gist of the articles was that cow size measured by mature weight has been ...

  6. 2016 Women in Agriculture Conference

    event will be held in a new location: R. G. Drage Career Technical Center, 2800 Richville Drive SE, ...

  7. Dog Clinic / Informational Meeting

    Clinics and Shows • Reviewing the 2015 Dog Calendar of Events • Information on Grooming • Skillathon ...

  8. Colostrum Management for New Born Calves

    addition, bacteria from dirty teat ends or udders or milking equipment not properly cleaned can contaminate ...

  9. Registration now open for 2016 East Ohio Women in Agriculture Conference

    event will be held in a new location: R. G. Drage Career Technical Center, 2800 Richville Drive SE, ...

  10. Fair Wrap-up and Tailgating

    of both junior and senior fair so that the many events that you enjoy, may continue.   The ... for more recipe ideas for your next entertaining event. ...
