
Search results

  1. Student Organizations

    mission is to work towards a greener OSU through clean-ups, sustainability practices, and environmental ... keeping the earth healthy and clean, with a specific focus being OSU's campus.  Society for ... discusses controversial conservation topics, and holds public outreach events. Solar Education & ...

  2. Because Gravity is Free: Buckeyes travel to Honduras to support sustainable water treatment

    With over 2 billion people lacking safe water on tap (, providing access to clean ... access to clean water requires continual research and development to create more efficient, impactful, ... University has grown, focusing the delivery of clean drinking water using gravity powered water treatment ...

  3. SENR Announcements, May 17

    behind maple production at the  PAST Foundation ‘s STEM of Spirits event as an Experience Partner on ...

  4. Six leaders inducted into the 2024 ENR Honorary 100

    Earth Day Event- Eat This Earth Day! Ohio's Native Plants for Food. The ENR Honorary 100 recognizes ...

  5. EPN Summer Field Trip Series- Tuesday, June 11, 2024: 99 years of science and learning on Ohio’s Gibraltar

    This EPN Summer Field Trip event will feature a tour of Ohio State’s Island campus on Lake Erie. ...

  6. Food Engineering

    high-pressure process engineering Superheated steam for dry food processing plant sanitation Treatment of food ...

  7. Soil Fertility

    contemporary issues around nutrient management and basic practical skills for managing nutrients. Prereq: 3000, ...

  8. Digital Internship Gallery

            City of Dublin | Cara Sheets | EEDS Poster         Clean Harbors | Tessa Trouten | ES Poster ...

  9. SENR Announcements, April 11

    Sunday morning or simply come for the day on Saturday. There’s plenty of cleaning, organizing, carrying, ... Symposium on April 22, 2024!  Register  HERE  for an exciting event with networking, posters, oral ... on display at this year's  We Grow Scientists! A COSI Community Event on May 3, including: Water ...

  10. Graduate Exit Seminar- Ivy Ciaburri

    season events and we know little about how breeding-ground environmental conditions affect subsequent ...
