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  1. Scout Fruit Trees For Pesky Pests Creeping Out As Temperatures Rise

    present in the tree from last season. Improving the sanitation in and around your fruit trees can reduce ...

  2. Home Hydroponics

    variety of produce 24/7/365 days per year. Come learn the basics of home hydroponics and what you can grow ...

  3. Key To Corn Success Is Getting It In The Ground Properly

    Although time has erased much of the event from my mind, there were two discussions that had been imprinted ... sure seed drop tubes are clean and clear of any obstructions Make sure sprocket settings on the planter ... transmission are correct. Check for worn chains, stiff chain links, and improper tire pressure. Clean seed tube ...

  4. Teen Opportunities

    Opportunities Ohio 4-H- College Scholarships 4-H Event Youth Assistants Buckeye Leadership Workshop Collegiate ...

  5. A Change Of Perspective Can Help With Overall Attitude

    around the dinner table (or on the way to the next sports event).  Personal and professional growth take ...

  6. Build a Better Summer Recipe Virtual Workshop

    REGISTER: Special thank you to the event sponsor- The Ohio Rural Health Association. ...

  7. Time Management Tips That Lead To Productivity

    I know the drawers in the kitchen and the bathroom need a good cleaning, so doing one drawer a week is ... a row to clean things out, get ready for, paint and clean up.  A calendar works well for me to space out ... cleaning, etc., can also be done with a calendar.  Sometimes laundry and dishes are a daily task while ...

  8. Tips For Cleaning and Organizing When Cold Days Keep You Inside

    opportunity to do some cleaning of cupboards and drawers which allowed purging of items and rearranging items ... clean and sort to make the most of it here are some tips to keep in mind: * Less is more.  In cleaning ... Shelves, cabinet sides, and especially the corners to make sure everything is clean.  Once you have items ...

  9. Legacy Dinner Auctions Raise $3,270 To Support 4-H Programs

    Wayne County Agricultural Society a package of 4 admission along with 4 tickets to any event at the ... rounding up the event. We want to thank each and every one of those businesses and families that supported ... events fundraisers charity auctions ...

  10. Legacy Dinner Key In Sending Locals To 4-H Camps, Judging

    be the seventh Legacy Dinner for our Wayne County 4-H program. The event will be held at the Shisler ... decorations from Country Daisy’s. Auction items: Beef, hog, Hocking Hills stay, grand stand event We will be ... Agricultural Society members have graciously donated a package of 4 tickets to a Grandstand Event during the ...
