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  1. Collaborating to Address Real World Environment and Natural Resource Challenges

    Resources capstone projects. Watch some of the highlights of the evening event in the video below.   About ...

  2. Director's Note, June 22

    environment at the Environmental Professionals Network (EPN) breakfast and field-tour event. Held on World ... Environment Day (June 5), the event recognized Jon Gerken, John O'Meara, Ric Queen, and Dorothy Teater, ... event will feature hands-on learning activities, networking, food, beverage, and birding. SENR faculty, ...

  3. Suzanne Gray's School of Fish

    to provide educational tools, and to offer management solutions for cleaning up waterways. I have ...

  4. Forecast for Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Erie 2023

    Stone Laboratory and Ohio Sea Grant at The Ohio State University will host a live web event ... the official forecast, the event will feature spring nutrient loading and projections along with ...

  5. SENR alumni weather changing rivers

    events and connect these changes to empirical research on the biotic diversity in Ohio’s stream and ... to express overall stream and river conditions and as a measure of Clean Water Act management program ... collaborative program, an annual event in coordination with the Water Management Association of Ohio (WMAO) and ...

  6. Experts anticipate a less severe bloom than last year’s

    event today featuring NOAA’s official annual seasonal HABs forecast for the lake and highlights of ...

  7. On Brand Assets

     for Extension and outreach presentations, scientific conferences, alumni events, and other ... these options are just bases for promoting your event. We encourage you to be creative with photos and ...

  8. SENR Career Services

    development through advising appointments, workshops, employer engagement events, and more.  Students and ...

  9. New members of the Honorary 100 inducted

    Network breakfast and field-tour event. Held on World Environment Day (June 5, 2023), the event recognized ... Resources and its students, alumni, faculty, staff, and stakeholders. The full program of the event is ...

  10. What will Dicamba Changes Mean for Farmers?

    but details are not yet available on those restrictions. Tank clean-out instructions for the ...
