
Search results

  1. Online Webinar- New Pesticide Applicator Training- October 11, 2023

    Interpretation and Quiz Lunch: 12:15 p.m.- 1:00 p.m. 1:00  p.m.  Afternoon Session Weed and Herbicide Basics Weed ...

  2. Animal Science Clothing Orders

    The department of Animal Sciences is now taking orders for departmental embroidered and silkscreen clothing items (button up shirts, polos, jackets, vests, tees, sweatshirts, hats, etc.). They've created a great  WEBSITE   with all of their products, ...

  3. ASGSA Dinner Fundraiser

    ASGSA is hosting a Fall Dinner Fundraiser on October 4th from 5:30-7:30 pm! It will be held in the Animal Sciences Arena and part of the proceeds will go to Heifer International. For more information, see attached.  ...

  4. Bus with us to Farm Science Review

    There will be continuous bussing from the Howlett Hall cul-de-sac to FSR on Tuesday (9/19) and Wednesday (9/20). Busses will run every 2 hours with the first departure from campus at 8am and the last departure from FSR at 5pm.  ...

  5. CSA Nutrition Opening

    consulting company that started up a small lab at their headquarters to provide basic feed analysis for ...

  6. Ohio Commercial Pesticide Recertification Conference- Cincinnati Area- 2024

    cancellation fee will be charged per registrant. No refunds will be given after the day after the event. There ... accommodations for a disability, please call 614-292-4070 at least two weeks prior to the event.   Commercial ...

  7. Macdonald Wick

    chain.  Basic Appl. Myol. 1:16-26. Presentations Thick Filament Assembly. 2013. Invited Presentation to ...

  8. Upcoming Career Fair

    There is a career fair coming up in the next few weeks! Details are below.  FAES Career Fair: September 28th | 1-5 pm | Fawcett Center  ...

  9. Dairy Judging Team

    Labor Day weekend. Travel expenses for these events are funded by endowments, our department, and income ...

  10. Breakfast with the Birds: Advocacy and Conservation in Urban Green Spaces

    Program Overview This EPN Breakfast and Summer Field Trip event will feature hands-on learning ... activities, networking, food, beverage, and birding at the Grange Insurance Audubon Center. Join this event to ... worksites, and Green Drinks networking events, Green Columbus seeks to improve equitable environmental ...
