
Search results

  1. Harvesting Your Own Garden Seeds

    on newspapers for several weeks.  Clean off the seeds as best you can first. I store my seeds on ... plants.  Use a clean garden shearer to cut the seed heads or pods from the plant.  It is a good idea to ...

  2. Agricultural Education Society's Influential Buckeyes

    Agricultural Education Society will be hosting the first "Influential Buckeyes" event ...

  3. Gress to complete internship with Ohio Department of Agriculture

    communication director for the Ohio Department of Agriculture. “Her background in graphic design and event ... planning will come in handy as she helps us prepare materials and plan events for the summer, including our ...

  4. Winter Holiday Safety

    Clean food and grease from burners and the stove top. If you must use a turkey fryer, keep it outside, ...

  5. ACEL Students Participate in Transition Day

    Transition Day. The event is hosted by the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences as an ... please contact Emily Wickham at Additional photos from the event can be found at ...

  6. Hoey completes internship with ADM Grain

    events and meetings throughout the summer. Hoey returned to Ohio State in August to complete her degree ...

  7. EXTENSION Africa Conference

    Agricultural Extension in Africa" Events on October 20th will be held at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm ... Burea 4-H Center. Events on October 21 will be at the Fisher College of Business. ...

  8. Alumni Board to Host Fall Event

    current students in the Department are encouraged to attend. To RSVP for this event or submit an entry, ...

  9. Kitchel named chair of ACEL

    fellowship selection process, coordinated events and graduate assistant teaching orientation, and advocated ...

  10. OSUE Annual Conference- December 9-11

    history of OSU Extension The event will be held at the Ohio Union, 1739 North High Street, Columbus ... in the annual conference and recognition event, and that the office will reopen on December 12 ... agency or temporary employee to assist during this event. “In these times of change throughout our ...
