
Search results

  1. Ohio State CFAES names top 26 seniors

    channel. Learn more about the event & all 26 seniors that have received the most prestigious ...

  2. Backyard Poultry Production

    Learn the basics of raising backyard chickens, ducks and more! Tim McDermott, DVM and Extension ...

  3. Laura Williams

    AAS Business- The Ohio State University (2012) Basically I make sure we are in compliance with policy ...

  4. Josephine M Jones-Lucky

    started working for OSU Extension in September 1992 teaching basic nutrition and physical activity in the ...

  5. HCS Students & Faculty Attend Tri-Society Meeting

    America (SSSA) was the perfect event for OSU HCS students & faculty to return to in-person meetings ... students participated in SASES events such as field trips, business meetings, Quiz Bowl, Crop Judging ... fund-raising events such as tomato and pepper sales at the spring Plant Sale, and sandwich sales at Farm ...

  6. Maria Smith

    who is responsible for providing consultation, event programing, and resources on all aspects of ...

  7. Christian Vargas-Garcia (HCS Ph.D. candidate) selected for an OSC Scholarship Award!

    extracurricular events and other leadership-enriching activities." Why was it meaningful to you to win this ...

  8. Cloverbud FUN Saturday- Luck of the Clover

    The Clover Leader Team will be hosting a special event the first Saturday of each month via Zoom ...

  9. Tammy L. Currier

    event, and wedding services, as well as merchandise for the home and garden. In 2012, she transitioned ... gardens, she is the event coordinator for Cleveland’s Dia de los Muertos celebration in Gordon Square and ...

  10. Preserving Apple Butter

    freezing and water bath canning. We will go cover cooking and canning basics while demonstrating this ...
