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Grape and Wine Analysis Workshop
Attendees will learn proven grape-growing techniques, acquire basic tools to successfully manage a vineyard, ...
Winter Solstice Labyrinth Walk
Event name: Winter Solstice Labyrinth Walk & Conifer Tours Heading: Dear Friends, Copy: ... labyrinth garden This event is free and open to the public. No RSVPs necessary- bring your friends, your ... warm coats, and enjoy the first day of winter with us! Button context: Visit the Event Page " ...
Events in Historical Perspective, June 7, 2022 See presentation, "A Regional Integrated Assessment ...
2018 Environmental Policy and Outlook Conference
LLC: "Renewable Energy Markets" 2:15pm- Break 2:30pm- Scott Weaver, AEP: “AEP’s Clean Energy ...
Beef Cattle Artificial Insemination School Hosted by OSU Extension
9 a.m. to approximately 2:30 p.m. each day at EARS. Producers will learn the basics of utilizing Expected ...
Study: Inexpensive Cleaners Can Effectively Sanitize Kitchen Surfaces
January 13, 2011 Editor: The video below about cleaning and sanitizing kitchen surfaces also is ... each year. Consumers can take steps to protect themselves and their families by cleaning and sanitizing ... Allow the sanitizer to air dry or dry it with another clean paper towel. Consumers who use the chlorine ...
The Amazing Race 4-H Polar SPIN Club
LEVEL: Youth in grades 5- 8 COST: Free, snack and lunch included REGISTER: EVENT ...
Lois B. Small and Gladys B. Hamilton Labyrinth Garden
could be enclosed and/or tented for special events and still provide a unique feature for our gardens, ... interactive destination point in the Arboretum and provided an enclosed area for private receptions/events in ...
Downscaling the measurement of sustainability
time. "Weak sustainability makes sense as a basic framework for regional ...
2019 North West Ohio Sheep and Goat Series
basics of small ruminant (sheep & goat) production and marketing for new, current, and interested ...