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  1. Stress Management During Tough Financial Times

    However when stress events begin to add up or stressful events are added that don’t allow us to adjust or ...

  2. The Plant Protective Box

    boxes worked for them. If all else fails, clean out your garage or your basement to see if you can come ...

  3. Factors to Consider in a Program for Heat Detection

    observations should be made while cows are in a clean area with good footing.  A well-drained, dirt exercise ...

  4. Controlling Feed Costs for Dairy Cattle

    refusals (e.g. use good silo management to reduce spoilage, feed for 1 to 2% refusals and clean out ...

  5. Annual Christmas Tree Sale

    which include educational events for its members and the granting of more than $2,000 in scholarships ...

  6. Grad Students informal event with Grant office

    200 (Wooster) Kayla Arnold does not need video system Friday, September 28, 2018- 2:00pm to 3:00pm ...

  7. Midwest Dairy Challenge Held in Menomonie, Wisconsin

    colleges to the event hosted by the University of Wisconsin-River Falls. This year’s contest was held in ...

  8. Dairy Palooza and Collegiate Updates

    University Farm and Dairy featured a two page article about our 2015 Dairy Palooza 4-H event that has grown ...

  9. Welcome to our New 4-H Families!

    doing some spring cleaning, and looking at some new home improvement projects.  This is also the time ...

  10. Milk Price Outlook

    a lackluster year during the first five months has turned out to be a new record year for producers.  The Basic ...
