
Search results

  1. Spring into Action

    Session #1) Soil Basics: Make sure your plants will grow! – Dr. Bill Snyder Gardening As We Age: Exercise, ...

  2. 4-H Demonstration and Public Speaking Contest Day

    of Guns, or 631 Basic Archery. For Juniors (age 8-13, speech should be 3-5 minutes in length) and for ...

  3. Managing Feed Costs for Lactating Cows

    survive in the environment for about a year. The key to control of the disease is sanitation and ... environmental contamination by identifying infected animals and culling them from the herd. Provide clean ... clean rearing facilities. When possible, raise heifers separate from adults. Adult cattle represent ...

  4. Meet Jenna Lee: Engineering a Passion for Agriculture

    While attending an FFA event Jenna found out about agricultural engineering, and knew it was the perfect ...

  5. What Are Your Bedding Options- is $100/ton Straw an Option?

    knotters cleaned more often than with other crops. Some producers make corn stalk bedding by windrowing the ...

  6. Annual BioBased Systems Workshop Focuses on Commercialization

    come in the near future on further updates to this year's event. Original press release:  Next ... commercialization process, including challenges and overcoming them,” said event organizer Dr. Ajay Shah, assistant ... lunch, and access to a networking event following the workshop. The workshop is sponsored by the Ohio ...

  7. Cereal Rye – A Cover Crop with Feed Value?

    up to November 1st during normal years. As with all of our crops, starting with a clean seedbed is ... very important.  Fields with a history of winter annuals (i.e., marestail) need to have a cleanly ...

  8. Livestock Building Rental Considerations

    coming to a rental rate agreement. There are two basic categories of building ownership costs, variable ... worksheet to help building owners estimate ownership costs. A basic starting point for determining ownership ...

  9. Milk Price Outlook

    Gary Schnitkey The Basic Formula Price (BFP) for January was released on February 5th.  For ...

  10. Energy Balance of Cows and Mastitis: Potential Linkages

    cow hygiene (keeping stalls clean, frequent scrapping of allies, and following good milking ... with numerous other events, including hormonal changes, hypocalcemia, and changes in vitamin status; ...
