
Search results

  1. Baking Contest

    entering will receive a participation award the day of the event.   ...

  2. No-Till Field Day In Wooster

    pm.  The event is organized by the Ohio No-Till Council with assistance from the Wayne County SWCD and ... August 22.  Day of the event, on-site registration is $65.  There is a special student discount ...

  3. 2016 Wayne County 4-H Required Advisor & Volunteer Training Events

    Calling the Extension Office Registrations Due 2 Days Prior to Each Event General Sessions will feature ... just need a refresher.  Come learn the basics about how this system can help you keep track of your ... Fair Skillathons, Judging Contests, and other Companion Animal and Livestock opportunities and events ...

  4. Monitor Beef Cattle Body Condition

    to maintain basic body functions and to stay warm.  Mud is worse than rain alone.  In muddy ...

  5. Ponding and Flooding in Corn Fields

    events have left those fields that did get planted with water logged, saturated soils.  In some fields, ...

  6. Planning for Summer Child Care

    overall clean environment.  Are you welcome to visit any time through the day?   Do they have policies or ...

  7. Dairy Manager Discussion Group Meetings

    designed for hand-held smart devices.  The eCalving™ APP was developed to capture calving-related events ... individual herds, 2) Capture of selected calving-related events for both dam and calf (e.g., parity, breed, ...

  8. Yield Monitor Calibration for Grain Harvest

    or optical sensor.  Generally these sensors are located in the clean grain elevator and provide an ...

  9. Dairy Twilight Tour

    free dinner and tour event possible.  Some of the sponsors also choose to set up an exhibit or display ... tour event described as  a "mini farm science review" because of the wide variety and ...

  10. Watch for Palmer Amaranth

    where the weed is present is harvested last and any harvest equipment is thoroughly cleaned before ...
