
Search results

  1. It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like – Off-Target Dicamba Movement – our Favorite Time of the Year!

    volatilization event from the adjacent dicamba-treated soybeans, with some subsequent soybean recovery.  This ...

  2. More on Transgenic Traits and Hybrid Performance

    indicates the number of different events of that type. Reference Nafziger, E. 2010. Traits and Hybrid ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-40

    as new information about the value of biotech events in seeds for weed and insect control in Ohio. ... door. Pesticide credits are extra. The cost includes program materials and lunch. The event is sponsored ... agronomic events you will not want to miss. The Ohio Crop Production Conference on January 7th features ...

  4. Tips to improve study time for our teens

    cleaning the driveway and sidewalks the next time we get a couple of inches of snow. I hope this list of ...

  5. Weather Update

    Nino events crops are stressed in Ohio form significant changes in our weather patterns. Impacts are ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-34

    temperatures (36 to 44 F) in clean, dry bins. Moderate to high temperatures are favorable for fungal growth and ... available, YieldGard Plus. Herculex Xtra, which has events for both borers and rootworms and is pending ... leaves to finish pod fill and in this event the leaves remain green and attached to the stem. ...

  7. Twisted Wheat: Cold temperatures or herbicide damage?

    Temperature Damage.   Three things to consider about a freeze event: How cold was it? How long was it cold? ...

  8. The Dicamba Situation – Assessment and Some Action Items

    the event you report a problem and have a conversation with them. 4.  During farm visits in northwest ...

  9. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)

    than 2 microns.  It is basicly the sum of all minerals, metals, and salts dissolved in the water and is ...

  10. How Can the Timing of Stress Affect Yield in Corn?

    Extreme weather events have begun again in 2016 with renewed force. Frost damage in May impacted ...
