
Search results

  1. 4-H Horse Project Orientation

    changes to Hancock Jr Fair horse events or Ohio State Fair will be reviewed at this time. ...

  2. 2015 Bi-State Youth Poultry Clinic

    Registration for this event is due March 20, 2015.   More information available on the OARDC ...

  3. 4-H Kicks Off New Year

    events at the Fisher Auditorium where they learned about many of the changes and highlights of what is ...

  4. EPN Breakfast Club

    record-setting algal blooms last summer. Speaking at the event will be: Jessica Fox, senior program manager for ... Division of Surface Water. Register by Feb. 22 Registration for the event is $10, includes a full ... Sponsoring the event is Ohio State’s  Office of Energy and Environment. ...

  5. Muck Crops Field Day

    “We will also look at the latest research on carrot weevil control.” The event will also offer updates ... vegetable crops, Filbrun said. The event is being held in collaboration with the Huron County office of Ohio ...

  6. Family Meals

    of a family.  Time spent together around the table, talking about the day and the events of life was ...

  7. Hancock 4-H LEAD Conference

    Join us at McComb School for this family event with sessions that are designed to help youth get ...

  8. Pricing Drought-Stressed and Immature Corn for Silage

    least an additional 10% is probably warranted. Basics of Pricing Corn Silage This article addresses ... basic corn silage pricing resources are available at in issues of the Buckeye ...

  9. Make-up Judging for Livestock, Dog & Equine Projects

    judged, and come prepared as for livestock interview This event will conclude 2016 Hancock County 4-H ...

  10. Forage Tests Provide Valuable Information

    frequent rainfall events dictated that a lot of first cut dry hay was baled in July. Forage quality is ...
