
Search results

  1. Help Wanted: Summer 4-H Assistant Position Now Available

    candidate will assist the office in planning, preparing, and conducting summer 4-H events and programs ...

  2. Getting a Job on the Farm- Labor Issues for Young Farm Workers

    the Farm Science Review,three-day event. The display will target teens younger than 16 looking for ...

  3. Tractor and Machinery Certification for Youth-In-service

    event beginning at 10AM, lunch provided, and concluding by 3PM (unless you have additional questions you ...

  4. Partridge and Faggian Present at the European Regional Science Association’s 52nd European Congress

    held each August, is the organization’s largest event bringing together hundreds of attendees.  ... helped to organize an all-day event at the conference focused on the “Urban World 2050”, chaired ... a discussion as part of this event that focused on the “Pioneer City 2050” and “The Livable City 2050”. He also ...

  5. Silage Pile Management And Safety

    Suffocation is a major concern in the event of a silage avalanche and the minutes saved in a rescue attempt ...

  6. Silage Pile Feeding Management and Safety

    Suffocation is a major concern in the event of a silage avalanche and the minutes saved in a rescue attempt ...

  7. Ambiguity, Learning Opportunities, and Risk-Neutral Regulation

    but also as metaphors for a broader class of public risks. The event is open to the Ohio State ...

  8. Vickner to Speak at the 2012 Ohio Grape Twilight Tour on Thursday, August 23, 2012

    Kosicek Vineyards. For more information, or for contact information for the organizers of the event ...

  9. TEAM Fair Clean Up Night


  10. Midwest Graduate Student Conference on Regional and Applied Economics (CRAE) to be Held at Ohio State April 5/6 – Follow Our Live Updates

    conference series. Additional speakers for the event include Dr. Neil Reid  from the University of Toledo ... one honorable mention, will receive a monetary prize.  AEDE will post updates from the event on our ...
