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  1. Student Org Spotlight

    student-initiated events, you will have the opportunity to socialize and build leadership and management skills ...

  2. Slow Cooking for a Fast Meal

    St, Lancaster) for  Slow Cooking for a Fast Meal.   You will learn more about the basics of using ...

  3. Job Postings- New Positions Added Weekly!

    needed-Able to work with a team-Assist with bedding and housing cleanliness as well as sanitization of feeding ...

  4. NSF Major Research Instrumentation Internal Competition Briefing

    on the “RSVP for this Event” link to the right of the event description on the Office of Research ...

  5. Contract Negotiation or 614-292-8077. Requests made 10 business days (2 weeks) prior to the event will generally allow ...

  6. The Research Enterprise at Ohio State and Working with PIs

    614-292-8077. Requests made 10 business days (2 weeks) prior to the event will generally allow us to provide ...

  7. Leadership Week 2020

    event to strengthen your leadership abilities in one or several of the leadership themes explored ...

  8. Current Federal Concerns with Academia and National Security

    614-292-8077. Requests made 10 business days (2 weeks) prior to the event will generally allow us to provide ...

  9. MLK Day of Service Celebration Events

    MLK Day of Service Celebration Events Celebrating MLK Day of Service While we won’t be able to ... Hange at Requests made 10 days prior to the event will allow time to arrange ...

  10. Update on Footbaths for Dairy Cattle

    require less footbath use and maintenance. If more than 50% of cows are clean (area between coronary band ... majority of days, and maybe continuously. Obviously, a focus on frequent cleaning will improve hygiene, and ... leaving the parlor. If feet are clean entering the bath, the disinfectant solution has a better chance to ...
