
Search results

  1. Ohio Commercial Pesticide Recertification Conference- Dayton- 2019

    for a disability, please call 614-292-4070 at least two weeks prior to the event.   Commercial ...

  2. Pricing Drought-Stressed and Immature Corn for Silage

    least an additional 10% is probably warranted. Basics of Pricing Corn Silage This article addresses ... basic corn silage pricing resources are available at in issues of the Buckeye ...

  3. Urban Landscape Pest Management Workshop

    two weeks prior to the event.   Commercial Pesticide License Requirements:   To keep a commercial ...

  4. Ohio Commercial Pesticide Recertification Conference- Sandusky- 2019

    restrictions, or accommodations for a disability, please call 614-292-4070 at least two weeks prior to the event ...

  5. Dairy Youth Program Updates

    judging students are in charge of the parlor.  Spring Dairy Expo is not only an event but also ... dairy industry.  There is something for everyone!  For more information and the schedule of events, go ...

  6. Managing for High Quality Stored Forage

    is to avoid the quality losses caused by a rainfall event. The losses due to rainfall depend upon the ... amount and timing of the rain event. Research has demonstrated that a one inch rainfall on a forage close ...

  7. Heat Stress- Where Do You Start?

    stress. Availability of clean water is a must. Cows can easily drink an additional 8 to 10 gallons/day ...

  8. Basic Goat Health, Nutrition and Diseases Workshop


  9. Collegiate Dairy Judging and 4-H Dairy Program Updates

    about any of our current programs and events. There is also a file available for you to view our new ... stand-up poster display that has been making its way around to many dairy events.  We are the first ...

  10. National and Regional 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl Contest Results

    judges in the Contest. Nineteen state 4-H teams competed in this year's event. The top four teams ...
