
Search results

  1. Drainage field day at Ohio State Lima campus farm scheduled for July 25

    The event is free and open to the public. Parking will be available off Thayer Road. Maps of the ...

  2. FSR Agronomy College

    the Farm Science Review Agronomy College on Sept. 13. The event is designed to educate agronomists, ... Certified Crop Advisers, custom applicators and farmers on current agronomy issues. The full-day event ... updates on basic soybean disease management strategies including host resistance, fungicide application, ...

  3. Farm Science Review Agronomy College Sept 13

    the Farm Science Review Agronomy College on Sept. 13. The event is designed to educate agronomists, ... Certified Crop Advisers, custom applicators, and farmers on current agronomy issues. The full-day event ... samples, and diagnosing soybean diseases. Review updates on basic soybean disease management strategies ...

  4. A DAY in the WOODS: Tree Shrub Identification

    Registration fee $12. Learn the basics of Tree and shrub identification with a focus on leaves and ... summer characteristics. More events at:  ...

  5. Cover Crop Management Seminar

    Conservancy. The event will be held at the Plaza Inn Restaurant, 491 S Main Street, Mt. Victory, starting at ... starting at 8:30 am. Cody Beacom, Bird Agronomics, will explain the basics of cover crops, from the ...

  6. West Central Ohio Hay Day 2023

    Insurance Group. The event will take place on the Southeast corner of South St. Rt. 68 and W. Dallas Rd. Or, ...

  7. Changes Ahead with Potential El Niño

    a rapidly developing event in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. It appears we are on our way toward an ... El Niño very soon. There are two types of El Niño events, ones in the eastern equatorial Pacific near ... page with crop yields impact related to these developing El Niño events. Most of the EPAC El Niño years ...

  8. Two Rate Nitrogen Trial- MRTN vs. MRTN (+50)

    encourage you to use that rate compared to the lower MRTN rate. Study basics We recommend a minimum of two ...

  9. What happened with crop yields during 1988 and 2012? A recap

    rainfall events, we heard comments “ This is starting to look like 1988 ”, but thankfully, we think that we ...

  10. Ohio Maple Days

    season. Featured speakers will cover recent weather effects, new research, spout and tubing sanitation ...
