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  1. Fisher Rate Policy Guidelines

    OSU Wooster campus is promoting the event? High proportion of OSU to non-OSU attendees. What is the ... a possible set-up or clean-up fee may apply. This would be especially applicable to gatherings of clubs, ... holiday or birthday parties. Option for the group to do their own set-up and clean-up may be offered, ...

  2. David Denlinger

    genes to perceive these environmental signals through to the endocrine and molecular events that result ...

  3. Come to the Farm Zone at the Butler County Fair!

    events every day of the week.  Butler County’s Master Gardener Volunteers will have a fun, interactive ... a delicious smoothie powered by you!  All of these events will run from 1:00 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 23 ... the Butler County Fairgrounds to see our Cloverbuds race their fruit and veggie cars!  This event will ...

  4. Tree ID Walk

    and 5 and under are free. Participants will learn the basics of tree ID and get to exercise their ...

  5. Navigating the PI Portal- Wooster

    a basic/novice course, ideal for new investigators/grant awardees. *Registration is required (click here).   This ...

  6. Insect Night, a free family event

    event with family activities and a graduate student-led night walk. Among the stars: ghostly moths, ... blood-sucking mosquitoes. This popular event will be held on Saturday, June 30th from 8 – 10:30PM. It’s free for ... 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster. The event includes edible insects, a coloring table, a firefly collecting, ...

  7. Cloverbud Contest- Cloverbud Veggie-Fruit Car Event

    This year, Cloverbuds will be able to participate in a Veggie-Fruit Car Event. The race will take ... bring their completed car and spare parts/repair parts to participate in the event. The car will need to ...

  8. Navigating the PI Portal

    Finance.   *This is a basic/novice course, ideal for new investigators/grant awardees.   A more advanced ...

  9. Navigating the PI Portal

    conducted by Angie LeMaster, CFAES Finance.   *This is a basic/novice course, ideal for new ...

  10. Southern Ohio Soil and Water Field Day

    Event will be held in the large auditorium located at OSU South Centers at Piketon. ...
