
Search results

  1. Legacy Dinner Auctions Raise $3,270 To Support 4-H Programs

    Wayne County Agricultural Society a package of 4 admission along with 4 tickets to any event at the ... rounding up the event. We want to thank each and every one of those businesses and families that supported ... events fundraisers charity auctions ...

  2. Meet Michael Zuccaro: 2024 CFAES Distinguished Senior

    outside the classroom, attending sporting  events and music performances. He also maintained high academic ...

  3. Centers

    combining fundamental science with animal model validation in a wholistic approach to basic and ...

  4. Key To Alfalfa Growth Is Weed Control; Start Sooner Rather Than Later

    techniques, and receive some spring/summer pasture management advice.  The event will be held at the OSU Small ...

  5. Preparing farms for the solar eclipse

    farm to view the eclipse, participate in eclipse events, or camp or stay overnight on the farm, there ... eclipse event, here are several steps farmland owners can take to address safety and liability concerns. ... property for an eclipse event, ensure that a vendor holds the appropriate license, such as a Retail Food ...

  6. Jam-packed Schedules Can Impact Mental Health

    rushing from one activity or event to another? Is your schedule so full that a little “hiccup” in the day ...

  7. Dr. Stephen Boyles retires following decades of impact on beef producers nationwide

    of cattle. Boyles also works to train first responders and producers in the event of a livestock ... incidents and other events throughout the country that involve animals. While Dr. Boyles’ accomplishments in ...

  8. Time Management Tips That Lead To Productivity

    I know the drawers in the kitchen and the bathroom need a good cleaning, so doing one drawer a week is ... a row to clean things out, get ready for, paint and clean up.  A calendar works well for me to space out ... cleaning, etc., can also be done with a calendar.  Sometimes laundry and dishes are a daily task while ...

  9. We'd like to hear from you!

    invitations and the interviews are history. However, we would like to hear from you and how helpful our event ...

  10. ASCA Applications

    and implement retention and community-building events like the CFAES Back2School Bash (B2SB) and the ...
