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"I don't drink milk, I eat it!"
was time for their parents to pick them up. As I was cleaning up the tables I heard a 2nd grader tell ...
OSU Extension, Lucas Lunch and Learn
The event is FREE but you are asked to register so that we have a count. Participants are asked to ...
Summer Meal Site Recruitment Event
SITE Learn more at this free informational event: Friday February 15, 2019 9:00 AM- 11:00 AM Kent ...
Woodworth completes internship with Ohio Technology Consortium
digital content, including social media graphics, event photos, brochures, invitations and psoters, for ...
Stinson completes internship with Penn State Extension
award applications for youth recognition and staffing 4-H events and shows. Stinson returned to Columbus ...
Lucas County Celebrates Dine In Day
being counted as part of the national event (the national event is coordinated by the American ...
ACEL students selected to serve as CFAES ambassadors
liaisons to the Ohio State student body to increase awareness around our college and attend CFAES events as ...
Northwest Ohio Green Industry Summer Session
Northwest Ohio Green Industry Summer Session is a local, high-quality, educational event attended ...
Ohio Local Foods Week
Look for a local event near you or participate online. Share your #LocalFoodsOH story! ... ...
Shared Legacy Farms #FarmerFocusFriday
cleaned and packaged for a weekly CSA haul. A tip from Kurt was to use the green tops of the carrots to ...