
Search results

  1. Walk With a Doc- Marion County

    Center Street Community Health Center will kick off the event with a brief talk on a current health topic ...

  2. Walk With a Doc- Marion County

    Center Street Community Health Center will kick off the event with a brief talk on a current health topic ...

  3. Walk With a Doc- Marion County

    Center Street Community Health Center will kick off the event with a brief talk on a current health topic ...

  4. Walk With a Doc- Marion County

    OhioHealth and Center Street Community Health Center will kick off the event with a brief talk on a current ...

  5. CYP Facebook Posts

    interaction in SNAP-Ed programs or other events where our population is targeted, but in order to maintain ...

  6. Great Lakes Apple Crunch

    about crunch events in your county so they can highlight them! ...

  7. Seven ACEL students named CFAES Outstanding Seniors

    Recognition Event on April 12, 2018. ...

  8. Champa completes internship with Lake Metroparks

    events, event photography for promotional materials. She also had experience working with radio and ... television media outlets to promote upcoming events.  Champa will return to Ohio State in August to continue ...

  9. Sherman completes internship with OSU Extension, Franklin County

    coordinate “Ask a Master Gardener” booth. Sherman also planned an event to promote OSU Extension events ...

  10. Biometric Health Screenings

    event: PCP Visit If you have recently* had a physical or completed a biometric screening with your PCP, ... or Screening and Flu Shot Event On October 25 and 26, the OSU Health Plan’s RN Health Promotion ... show only the appointments available for this screening event. Continue to schedule the appointment. If ...
