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Local Foods Week Celebration
information view the Event Flyer. *Giveaways at each event, limited to the first 100 attendees. Attend three ... events and receive a free gift! Thank you to our hosts: Clearcreek Country Vineyards, Fairfield County ...
Local Foods Week Celebration
additional information view the Event Flyer. *Giveaways at each event, limited to the first 100 ... attendees. Attend three events and receive a free gift! Thank you to our hosts: Clearcreek Country ...
Local Foods Week Celebration or call (740) 653-5419. For additional information view the Event Flyer. *Giveaways at each ... event, limited to the first 100 attendees. Attend three events and receive a free gift! Thank you to our ...
Wickham receives award from national agricultural association
was still a constant presence at college-wide events even after his retirement,” said Wickham. “Even ...
Junior Leaders
considered a member of the Fairfield County Junior Leadership club, we ask that you attend 6 meetings (events ...
Continuing Education
All interested gardeners are invited to join. We share information on upcoming classes and events as ...
Bats: What You Didn't Learn Watching Batman
21, 2023. To view the complete information download the Event Brochure. Class Agenda 6:00 Welcome to ...
Breakfast with the Birds: Advocacy and Conservation in Urban Green Spaces
Program Overview This EPN Breakfast and Summer Field Trip event will feature hands-on learning ... activities, networking, food, beverage, and birding at the Grange Insurance Audubon Center. Join this event to ... worksites, and Green Drinks networking events, Green Columbus seeks to improve equitable environmental ...
Who's Who in Your Backyard Garden- Common Garden Insects ...
What will Dicamba Changes Mean for Farmers?
but details are not yet available on those restrictions. Tank clean-out instructions for the ...